Youth Summer Camps

MRT proudly provides summer theatre experiences, called “Youth Summer Camps”!

These experiences are for youth artists of all experience levels and aged 6 to 18 years of age.

If your children are interested in this experience, please check out these Summer Camps, which are available this season.

Registration is now open for these awesome experiences! Click the link below for the Camp you’re interested in.

We offer scholarships and stipends for children and families in need of financial assistance.

Contact our staff for more information at the email,

Performance Camp

June 3rd – 8th

$110.00 registration fee per person

Performance date Saturday, June 8th at 10:00am & 2:00pm


By: Denver Casado, Jessica Penzias, Kerry Kazmierowicztrimm,
Christyn Budzyna & Jack Mitchell

When an out-of-order claw game suddenly turns back on, all of the toys are ecstatic! Well… all of the toys except for Dot, a terrified stuffed cow. Dot’s desperate to hold onto her home and her best friend, Aiden. Can Dot conquer her fear of the unknown with some help from the Flair Bears, Mighty Mutant Power Turtles, Beanie Elders, and the all-knowing Mystical 8-ball?

All camp participants are cast in the performance.

Ages 8–18

June 3-8 (Monday–Saturday)

Maples Repertory Theatre 9:00AM–12:00PM (Monday-Thursday) & 1:00PM-7:00PM (Friday)

Performance: Saturday, June 8th @ 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM

Registration form here.

Teen Camp

June 24th – July 6th

$110.00 registration fee per person

Performance dates Saturday, July 6th at 10am and Sunday, July 7th at 6pm


Adapted by Austin Zumbro from the book by Marcus Pfister

With shiny, multi-colored scales, Rainbow Fish is the most beautiful fish in all the ocean. But when Rainbow Fish refuses to share their vibrant, shimmering scales, the whole ocean seems to turn against the vain creature.  Unhappy that no one adores them anymore, the Rainbow Fish seeks out the wise Octopus, who helps them learn that it’s far better to be admired for being kind than for being beautiful. 

Ages 12–18

June 24-July 6th (Monday–Friday)

Maples Repertory Theatre 9:00AM–12:00PM (Monday-Friday)

Performance: Sunday, July 6th @ 10:00AM & Sunday, July 7th @ 6:00PM

Teen camp is two weeks of rehearsals and skills building where the teens rule! They pick a title, design, act, direct, dance, sing and build it!

Teens learn valuable skills in leadership, confidence, public speaking, as well as those creative talents we know and love in the theatre.

Please note, camp will not be held on the July 4th holiday.

Registration form here.


Skills Camp

July 22 – 26

$75.00 per person       

Ages 6–18

July 22-26 (Monday–Friday)

Maples Repertory Theatre 9:00AM–12:00PM (Monday-Friday)

Presentation: Fri July 26 @ 11:00AM

We will break into groups by age and spend the week creating characters, storytelling, and working together. We teach skills that are fun and useful throughout life, such as diction, projection, self-confidence, listening, and cooperation, as well as behind-the-scenes theatre skills from professionals working at Maples Rep!

Registration form here.




  • Frozen Jr. 2021

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