We would like to take a moment and thank our 2024 Season Sponsors and Donors!
We are very grateful for all the many patron donors and corporate/business sponsors that help support bringing live, professional theatre to North-Central Missouri.
Maples Rep is a 501(c)(3) organization, and all individual contributions are tax deductible.
Without this kind of support, we would not be able to operate the way we do at Maples Repertory Theatre.
“Thank you so very much for your support!”

Some of our 2024 patron donors who have exceeded expectations! Our sincerest “Thank You” goes out to these patrons.
This list reflects donations received from January 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024.
“Dear Donors, If you wish to be listed differently, or your records differ from ours, please contact us at 660-385-2924 or info@maplesrep.com.”
In addition to these donors, we thank everyone who monetarily supported Maples Repertory Theatre through raffles, silent auctions and events, including Boots and Black Tie and the Gala Dinner.
$2,500 and up
Gary & Nancy Belfield Drew & Becky Belt Phyllis Belt Chris & Geralyn Blomberg Gareth & Andrea Buerky Kay Campbell Paula Cochran Dan & Sandy Coons Ralph Cupelli Jack & Phillis Davison Dr. Jim Deline Susan Duckworth Mcquilkin Joe & Linda Ellis Gregg & Karen Fingerhut Michael & Teresa Finnegan Kathy Foley Shaon & Shannon Fry Jamie & Julie King Rich & Barb Knaebel Wallis & Nancy Landrum Nona Long Estate Will & Avis Marshall Lisa Mayes Jon & Brooke McCarty Gary & Kathy McElwain Eric & Stacy Moots Scott & Kathy Nelson Chris & Rona Nelson Sharon Pritchard Ann Roeder Jim & Sharon Scott Jackie Settlage Jim & Leigh Simon Barbara J. Slaughter Duane & Janice Snyder Max & Cathy Sutton Janice Teter Mark & Amy Thomas Scott & Lisa Winkler Vince & Pamela Winn Pat & Sharon Winn |
$1,000 to $2,500
Charles *Jesse* Alexander Pat Belt Ray & Glenda Blomberg Jon Boucher Frank & Linda Bush Charles Cooper Donald Crosby Todd Davison Eva Durham Clay & Brooke Foster Bob & Cheryl Fullerton Gabe & Sandy Gabriel Randy Hagerty Talt Holman & Karen Waller Joe & Christy Howard Robert Lowery & Jeanne Hunt Shannon & Sommer Issacson Alissa Kaser Kay Kindle JD & Dianne King Patricia Knowles Charles & Carol Koopmann Paul & Marcia Kothe Kelly Lewis Mark & Wilma Maddox Bob & Linda Maddox Phil & Kate McIntire Lee & Linda Moots Georgia Morehouse Rusty & Jill Neill Mike & Beth Nelson Erika Pappenfoht Steve & Nancy Pennington Anthony Perryman Bill & Allison Rowland Craig & Haley Smith Gene & Lois Stueve Janice Teter Ronnie & Mary Beth Truitt Tim & Jane Watts Jared & Andrea Wood |